Fees Transparency
Our case pricing models, are usually based on a fixed fee, based on an hourly rate, so we will estimate the work required to be able to complete the item of work required.
Our case price range is between £300 and £350 per hour (plus VAT where applicable). The hourly rates above depend on seniority of counsel, complexity of the case and the urgency of the work required.
Alternative terms may be discussed with our clerking team, by contacting them either by telephone 0207 732 9973 or to chambers email address: londonsouth.chambers@yahoo.co.uk
Any indication of fee or quotation does not indicate acceptance of instruction.
Outside Factors which could affect the fee indication provided, or the ability to complete work in the timescale initially indicated. These may be:
Late delivery of instructions and/or case documentation by a client resulting in the barrister not having sufficient time to meet timescales that might exist or prepare for the work to be undertaken.
The client failing to inform the barrister about work ordered by a court or deadlines to be adhered to resulting in the barrister not having sufficient time to meet deadlines or to prepare for the work to be undertaken.
Availability of the client or relevant third parties.
The approach taken by the other side.
Other cases, where instructions have already been accepted and where the barrister is instructed become listed for hearing by a court at very short notice or requiring some other immediate action resulting in the barrister not being available to complete your work.
Overrun in other Court hearings in which the barrister is involved. For example, a case listed by the court to last one day in fact lasts three days.
Where a Court has relisted/moved a matter without reference to the Barrister instructed.
Illness of the barrister preventing her/him from being able to undertake work.
Circumstances that result in the barrister having to take a leave of absence.
Our Public Access Practice Areas:
Employment Tribunal hearings
Financial disputes arising out of divorce
Immigration appeals
Inheritance Act advice
Summary only motoring offences
Our Chambers also offer advisory and drafting services, and represent clients in Tribunal, Magistrates, the County and Crown Courts, the High Court and the Court of Appeal.
Our Chambers and Barristers, will provide you with as much information as possible to assist you in making informed decisions about costs, for representation at court, or for drafting and advisory work. This means we will provide you with our fixed fee as well as a range of fees for our services, where we are unable to provide you with a definitive fixed fee because for example, because the complexity of the case, the seniority of the barrister required to take conduct of your matter, or where additional costs may need to be added, we will offer an indicative estimate of the amount you will pay for our representation.
If you need further assistance in any of these areas, please contact our clerking team on 0207 732 9973, or email: londonsouth.chambers@yahoo.co.uk
Timescales for your case may vary depending on a number of one or more factors, such as the barristers’ availability, your availability or other third parties. The complexity of your case and the work needed to be carried out on it, to include the number of papers the barrister may need to consider, if there is a need for additional information/documents to be obtained or considered, the other side’s approach, third parties intervening in the case and the Courts availability for listing your matter.
The timings will also be affected by any agreements/negotiations you have made with the other side, and any external factors such as witnesses’ availability or third-party involvement.
Our fees will vary depending on the factors involved in each individual case such as, complexity or seniority of barrister. Our clerks are always happy to provide a quote for the work at either an hourly rate or a fixe sum. All fees will be agreed in advance so you the client have control over your expenditure.
As each case is unique and will turn on its own merits and individual circumstance which surrounds the case, it is not always practical to give exact total costs for all services we provide at LSLC.
Once your case is properly understood, by our barrister, your circumstances and requirements, we will give you a considered individual cost estimate at the start of your instructions, but there is no obligation on you to instruct us on receipt of our cost estimate. You will also receive a cost estimate at every stage of the proceedings thereafter. In general, we offer a variety of ways of charging but most commonly these are using a fixed fee, to which you will agree at the outset, or by hourly rates; again, with your agreement and as set out in our quote.
Some indicative cost details are also provided, for the relevant practice areas. However, please contact our clerk team on 0207 732 9973 or email: londonsouth.chambers@yahoo.co.uk for a more accurate quote.